CTU in Prague
Czech Technical University in Prague
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3
160 00 Prague 6, Dejvice
Czech Republic
✉ antonin (dot) vobecky (at) cvut.cz
valeo.ai team
100 Rue de Courcelles, Paris
✉ antonin (dot) vobecky (at) valeo.com
I am a fourth year PhD student at the IMPACT (CTU/CIIRC) and valeo.ai teams working under the supervision of Josef Sivic (IMPACT), Patrick Pérez (Kyutai) and David Hurych (valeo.ai). Previously, I got a Master's degree and graduated with honors in Computer Science/Computer Vision from CTU in Prague. My research is in computer vision for scene understanding with a focus on applications in autonomous driving, namely weakly-supervised learning and multimodal learning (image, text, 3D and more).
07/2024 - A new paper "A study of test-time contrastive concepts for open-world, open-vocabulary semantic segmentation" (link) published on ArXiv! 🥳 06/2024 - Presenting OccFeat at CVPRw'24 04/2024 - OccFeat accepted to CVPR WAD workshop (paper) 🥳 01/2024 - MOCA accepted to the TMLR journal for publication 🥳 12/2023 - Presenting POP-3D at NeurIPS'23 👨🏫 09/2023 - POP-3D accepted to NeurIPS'23 🥳 07/2023 - ICVSS'23 essay competition winner 🏆 10/2022 - Presenting Drive&Segment at ECCV'22 🎙 07/2022 - Drive&Segment paper accepted as an ORAL to ECCV'22 conference 06/2022 - Scientific talks in INRIA WILLOW and at IMAGINE team at ENPC Paris. 03/2022 - Drive&Segment paper available on arXiv (full PDF) 02/2021 - DummyNet paper presented at AAAI'21. 10/2019 - Paper presented at ICCVw'19. 06/2019 - Master's degree at CTU in Prague, major Computer Vision. 09/2017 - Awarded Valeo Scholarship for talented students. 06/2017 - Bachelor's degree at CTU in Prague, major robotics, graduated with honours, Dean's award for bachelor thesis.